You’ve listed conservative talking points, so I have to ask where do you get your information? You say you think our national division stems from the “personalization” of social media platforms. If you are correct, perhaps you’ve been unwittingly driven into a conservative social media silo. That would explain the reason you listed conservative talking points designed to attack the left, followed by responses that conservatives “falsely” report as liberal responses.
You might want to check out your information sources If your information is coming from “think-tanks,” political operatives, PACS or lobbyists these are political organizations, and it is important to known who funds them, who sets the agenda and who decides what information is and is not released to the public. For example, you might find the source of the controversy regarding Critical Race Theory changes your views on the subject. If you do a little more research, you might discover the woman who sparked the white privilege and white fragility controversy, has no practical, working knowledge of systemic racism.
Independent researchers, academics, and statisticians are specialists working on real projects (meaning tangible things like physics, cancer, medicine, housing, disease, geology, water quality, neuroscience, etc.). The work these people do adds to human knowledge and confirms or contradicts previously held assumptions and beliefs. Challenging outdated, even wrong ideas about the world is bound to be controversial. Can you look in a microscope and tell the difference between an X and Y chromosome? Of course not. You have to depend on people who can tell the difference – right? But how do you know someone is telling you the truth? Is it possible they only know part of the truth about X and Y chromones?
Navigating human society is a messy, complicated, never-ending struggle. In my mind, we are in a humungous battle. New knowledge and our increased access to knowledge is challenging old assumptions and beliefs faster than most of us can keep up with. For example, people in the western world depend on writing to record their history – right? Well, geologists recently discovered that ancient stories of Native Americans in Washington State were based on facts. 7,000 years ago, a lake formed in a volcano that had erupted. Discovering that Native Americans had retained their history, accurately, for 7,000 years without writing it down, makes our grasp of history a joke.
While Conservatives want to control new knowledge, Liberals want to disperse it, learn from it, work with it, master it, and use it to improve lives.
The real world has a way of reflecting human’s imaginary worlds. Corn silos have been killing people who fell into them, ever since they were invented. Be careful you don’t fall into silos and if you are already in one, get the heck out.