You really are, a good writer. Your words made me feel so much, I've got tears in my eyes.
Near as I can tell - and I've got 65 years of hindsight behind my eyes - the entire human race is in some kind of gigantic shift. The whole entire planet is shaking, thundering and erupting. It feels like fury, like Mother Earth is trying to kill us, but, I am woman and know that is not true.
Winter is over, spring has sprung and we have over-slept. We can't live on fat much longer. We have work to do and Mother Earth is waking us up.
We have ideas to plant and vines to water, and flowers to smile at and fruits to pick and cook and feed our children.
I will not leave you, do not leave me. I don't care how hard it was for you, or how easy it was for me, we are here together, exchanging our ideas, knowledge and experience. This line is our only communication and I fear we might lose it. For that reason, hear me. I will not leave you, do not leave me. While I am clumsy, stupid, and often unkind, I am faithful. You can count on me to believe - in you. Can you, will you believe in a stranger too?