You are not a pea-brain, so stop it. Just stop it.
You are having a very normal response — the most normal response I’ve had yet — to our very fucked up legal system. Your instincts are spot on. You don’t know what this has to do with Critical Race Theory, because the current argument over CRT, has nothing to do with Critical Race Theory.
CRT is the label conservatives put on everything race related , but its just a label. It has absolutely nothing to do with Critical Race Theory itself.
You and I and probably 75% of our fellow citizens agree, that The People versus Hall is a clear cut case of racism. And that is what Critical Race Theory practitioners do — they identify the laws that have denied people the rewards, rights and privileges they earned, but racist laws denied them.
I work in land-use (the built environment, urban planning) where zoning laws govern the land we walk on, build on and live on. Zoning laws are as racist as you can get. Redlining is just one of many examples.
After 100 years of blatantly racist zoning laws determining where people of color, could and could not live, we ended up with severely racist cities and rural landscapes. The people living in those cities today, may or may not be racists, but the laws they live by are racist — as hell.
I strongly suggest you trust your own instincts. Just because someone says I’m not a racist, doesn’t mean its true.