You are a trainee – is that correct? If yes, how many more hours do you need to put in before you complete supervised training? If that is incorrect, how long have you been licensed to work with clients without supervision?
I suggest you give yourself a break. There is a good chance you unwittingly acquired your views from teachers who had unwittingly acquired their own eugenic views when they were in school. IOW, eugenics is a generational problem and you are part of the first generation to confront the century long practice of eugenics ideology entrenched within your chosen profession – psychology.
While it sounds like this is the first time someone challenged you, try and remember that you will confront many challenges, criticisms and skepticism regarding eugenic ideology in the future. You need to learn how to handle it much better.
Regarding your comment “This white girl knows all about eugenics.” You are a professional, treating traumatized people, and that is your response to a small challenge? Ms. Eckstien, the APA report was prepared by people with far more experience and knowledge than you, and yet, you claim “you know all about eugenics.” If you can’t see what is wrong with “this white girl” part of your comment, you need to rethink your profession.
Something is wrong here, and what that might be is above me. I recommend, you print our conversation and ask your supervisor, or therapist, to help you understand the reasons you over-reacted.
In the meantime, be careful you do not use traumatized patients as proxies to work out your own problems.