When I see plastic surgery, I see pain. Super Mrs. C's piece, brought the Madonna controversy to my attention and when I googled, what I saw was pain.
I wonder if other people experience the same thing I do. Seeing the physical evidence of pain forces me to share it - it even returns to me in memory. Fifty years later, I can still see the pain on my grandmother's face as she lay dying. Eleven years later, I can still see the pain on my husband's face, and he lay dying. Be it plastic surgery, birth, cancer, accidents or bullets, I can still see the pain of many people that I have met, known, or loved.
One night at our poetry club, a fellow poet read her poem. Kate's vivid imagery transported me into her poem and I followed her footprints in the snow as she made her way to the house. When he opened the door, I could see what she saw and it hurt so damned bad, I cried too. In that moment, I realized that we can see invisible pain just as clearly as we can see physical pain.
Maybe people are trying to cope with the sharing of another person's pain.
It is hard to see pain, it is even harder to feel it.