What to tackle first? I like that question and my answer is to redefine "infrastructure". At the moment, we still think of infrastructure as the things that make business work – roads, utilities, water, airports, etc. Between technology and knowledge, we are a hundred years beyond that antiquated and inhuman definition.
Today, we are capable of producing infrastructure that makes humans functional, including decent housing, education, healthy food, clean water, clean air, and basic health, mental and dental care – and safe, meaningful, productive work.
A patriarchal social structure consumes people (and eats us alive). Since breaking that addiction will give the upper-class Delirium Tremors, we start by removing ourselves from the patriarch’s labor supply. That means shorter work weeks (at the same pay we receive for full-time work now) and no more than a total of 8 hours a day (including lunch breaks and commute to and from work) with a 4-day work week to begin and a 3-day work week as the next goal. This strategy would increase worker pay per hour and the total cost of labour, thereby reducing the amount of money getting sucked into the pockets of the 10-percenters and leveling the playing field, for everyone else.
Including lunch breaks and work commutes into the 8-hour work day, would force a change in urban development. Employers will not waste their money, paying people to commute to and from work two or three hours a day – right? They will reason it out and realize that the closer people live to their jobs, the more hours they work a day – right? Instead of workers following jobs as they do now, companies will start following workers.