What a kick, another writer here that takes pleasure in the same things. I always like company, but my thrill comes when a new reader signs up to get emailed when I publish. Which reminds me, thank you for reading my newest article and commenting too. :)
I like knowing that you have so many followers, Super Mrs. C. In case I forget. I'm sending you my congratulations in advance, for when you reach 1.500 - job well done.
In regards to voting, I'm nervous. My family decided to go vote together on Tuesday. But now I'm afraid something will happen and keep us from the task.
I am still hoping that once the election results are in, people will calm down. There is so much happening in the world these days, we can't afford to have our entire country focused on one person anymore.
Last week, our governor, Andy Beshear stated, in public, his belief that we need to get rid of the electoral college. I thought that was bold, and I was proud of him.
Have yourself a good day, Mrs. C. :)