We are neglecting the danger that “excessive force” poses to an estimated 4-Million innocent Americans. To be clear, 3-Million of these people are overwhelmingly women and children. The vast majority of them are also white.
America has 1.2-Million law enforcement officers. In 2020, 177 officers died of COVID-19. 15 died of heart attacks, asthma and cancer. 52 died in vehicular accidents. 4 officers were shot and killed by other officers. 44 officers died by gunfire or assault.
In 2020, the police killed 1,066 suspects.
Law enforcement officers also have the highest rate of divorce of any profession. Alcohol abuse is common. But far, far more disturbing, 40% of officers have been reported for domestic violence against their spouses and children (including murder/suicides).
Unfortunately, reports of domestic violence in officer’s personal lives are buried along with their use of excessive force on the job. As a result, no one knows if domestic violence at home and the use of excessive force at work are related. IOW, are officers who beat their wives and children, the same officers who use excessive force on the job?
Until these records are opened, we have no way of knowing if “police work” is attracting people with violent tendencies (looking for an outlet). If so, we need to stop putting badges on violent people, by screening out applicants with violent tendencies.
Violence should never be a desire. Instead, violence should always be a last resort. Resorting to violence, should always sicken a law enforcement officer. At the very least, a six month leave of absence combined with counseling should follow any officer’s use of force of the job.
If excusing excessive force on the job is licensing domestic abuse at home, we the people, are complicit, for we have a Constitutional duty as citizens to:
1. form a more perfect Union
2. establish Justice
3. insure domestic Tranquility
4. provide for the common defence
5. promote the general Welfare
6. secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity (meaning all of America's children including black children and police officer's white children ).
Officer Down Memorial Page