Way too many working people think that reparations would have to come out of their pockets, but that is NOT true. Capitalism can pay reparations - not taxpayers.
Massive amounts of money acquired through slavery are still serving as “investment capital” in the coffers of huge corporations, trusts, banks, foundations, Ivy League Universities, etc. For 158 years, slave generated "investment capital” has been earning interest and/or realizing profits (for white people). Today, we are talking about many trillions $$$. Inasmuch as the earnings on these investments have been used to purchase land, buildings, equipment, factories etc., these hard assets add trillions more to the reparation bucket of slave generated wealth.
Examples of slave generated wealth, include producers of consumer goods, like Brooks Brothers, Tiffinay & Co., Jack Daniel’s, and Domino's Sugar. The Harvard University Endowment ($49.5-Billion). Some of the largest insurance firms in the US, including New York Life, AIG and Aetna. Bank and financial institutions and banks like JP Morgan, Citibank, Lehman Brothers, Bank of America and Wells Fargo. CSX and Norfolk Southern Railroads. USA Today newspaper. There are hundreds more.
For 158 years in a row, capitalism did its job and kept earning money on money. As a result, ample reparation funds are available today – ready to be paid out in today’s dollars (which is a heck of a lot more than 40 acres and a mule).
The longer we wait to pay “our” nation's debts, the higher the price of that 40 acres and a mule will become. To that end, I urge people to remember that slave generated investment capital is still sitting in the bank accounts of today's wealthy and uber-wealthy.
Its time "capitalism" paid its reparation debts.