Thank you for noticing us. However, you might want to stop thinking of us bottom feeders as "vulnerable".
We were at a meeting when we heard the news. Covid was so bad, people were being told to stay home. But they were not to worry, because the essential workers would keep the country running.
Now imagine yourself at the meeting I was in that day. We are union organizers, fighters one and all, with decades of experience and networks of essential workers hundreds of thousands strong.
behind us.
Damn, yelled our leader, order hats. scarves, masks, shirts and bumper stickers now. It took ten minutes to translate "We Are Essential" in five languages and place an order on a laptop.
Sure enough, next morning I walked into work, sat down at my desk and there was my notice - we were deemed essential - we were to stay open.
In case you didn't notice, you can't eat without us. We plant, and grow, and pick, package and butcher everything you eat. You can't fix your trucks and cars without us. You can't even get gas without us. You can't get rid of your trash without us. You can't get water in your house without us. You can't turn on a light without us. We fix the roads and bridges.
We guard the gates of "your" gated communities. We pick up your kids and drive away with them twice a day. We are behind the counters where you get coffee, buy groceries, order fast food and send your packages back to amazon.
We clean up the guts and blood in surgery and emergency rooms and crime scenes. We spoon feed your old relatives and clean their butts.
Will your computer feed you or pour you a glass of water? Do you know how to run a generator, fix a broken pipe, dig a well and install a pump for water fix your own car? Can you grow your own food? Do you have chickens, goats, pigs and cattle nearby?
The internet is wide open, if you're using it, so are we.
Rural America surrounds every city. We grow food out here. City water supplies are out here too. Landfills are out here. Every truck load of goods must pass through here. Amazon can't deliver if it can't get to you.
Nothing in and nothing out - is power.
The tables turned and now you look vulnerable to me.