Sterotypes are lies promoted by people who have something to gain from demeaning other people. The rich and famous spent a fortune sterotyping Native Americans, African Americans, Mexicans, Jews, and Asians (remember human zoos?). Hitler learned stereotyping from American eugenicists and you know how that worked out.
When liberals demeaned Trump's education, they were reiterating the rural American stereotype that they created and promoted. In other words, liberals said the same things about Trump that they say about rural Americans. Rural Americans knew they were not ignorant, or un-educated, so they figured liberals were lying about Trump as well. IOW, liberals stereotyped Trump right in with us.
Its also true that what a rural American means by education is not the same thing as you might mean. Simply put, rural people value applied knowledge. We care about skills. If you can't apply your knowledge, its worthless. Trump is an ugly person, but he knows how to apply his knowledge. IOW, Trump has skills.
Rural people are storytellers, that's how we pass knowledge along. You, a city man, could lecture rural people all day about history and no one out here will believe a word you say or bother remembering it. I weave history into stories and people repeat them to each other. They even tell my stories to their kids at bedtime. I teach more history in one story than teachers do in a year. I change hearts and minds adn votes with stories. That's not because I'm smarter than you, or better educated, or more knowledgeable. Its because I speak our language - and you don't.
Stereotypes are lies with a bit of truth in them and so are stories.
Donald Trump is a storyteller. When Trump spins his yarns, everybody knows he's lying. They also know the point of his story.
Obama is a great storyteller; that's how he got elected twice. Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton were storytellers and both of them got elected twice.
Beto, Warnock and Charles Booker are storytellers, we'll have to wait and see how they do in the mid-terms - eh?
Well, I'm out of thoughts. I am sincerely interested in your thoughts on this subject.