Since most people can’t read Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Arabic, or other ancient languages, they have never read, heard, or studied original biblical text. As a result, people rely on translators who’ve translated translations of translations from one language to another.
Over the course of thousands of years, translating mis-translated words, phrases, cultural references, and simple human bias changes the context and the meaning so much that the original text is often erased, even lost. Along the way, planetary exploration, new discoveries, science, intercontinental human relationships, even space exploration, have expanded human knowledge far beyond the ancients. If the ancients knew everything we know today, I am certain they would have written an entirely different story of everything from Genesis on to the very end of the entire 2nd testament.
As I read this essay, I recalled a different story of David and Goliath than the one recorded in the bible. When I looked up that story, I discovered it is now free to read on the internet. Please know, I am not suggesting this version of David and Goliath is correct. I am suggesting that reading it can liberate the mind and allow a new way of thinking to enter.
The author is Malcolm Gladwell, and the book is called David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits and the Art of Battling Giants. You will find the story of David and Goliath is the introduction to the book and the author’s purpose. Now, here is the link…
PS Happy New Year to you.