Since I can only speak for myself, that is what I must do.
Israelis are deeply divided, Americans are deeply divided, and so are American Jews. American Jews are so few in number the media sees no point in covering their disagreements. Instead, the media covers Christian Zionists’ views on Jews, Israel and Palestine. I doubt anyone reading this has any idea what I’m talking about, so let me explain myself.
Just like every country where Christians are a majority, life in America as a non-Christian is like navigating a mine field. Christians have been trying to make America a ‘pure Christian nation’ since the first Christian set foot on this continent. They even called it Zion (which is the name of the mountain beneath the city of Jerusalem). No matter how hard Christians try to hide and deny it, they are racists and anti-Semites to the core.
The world view of all Christendom was laid out in three papal bulls. In 1452, the first bull, Dum Diversas issued by Pope Nicholas V on behalf of King Alfonso of Portugal laid the groundwork.
Three years later, in 1455, the second bull, ushered in white supremacy throughout all Christendom. Romanus Pontifex, granted King Alfonso of Portugal, the right “to invade, search out, capture, vanquish, and subdue all Saracens [Muslims], Jews, and pagans whatsoever, and other enemies of Christ . . . and the kingdoms, . . . possessions, and all movable goods whatsoever held and possessed by them and to reduce their persons to perpetual slavery.”
In 1493, the third papal bull was issued. The Doctrine of Discovery forged an alliance between the moneyed interests of Christians (aka corporations) and Christian missionaries (aka evangelicals) who spearheaded the Age of Discovery.
We still live with white supremacy, because the Christian church and its allies (corporations, missionaries, and evangelicals) have spent 570 years preaching it, teaching it, investing in it, fighting for it, and lobbying for it. Along the way the Christian church mastered coded language, dog whistles, hidden meanings, and insider and outsider language, that Christian politicians, corporations, and the media still use today.
“George Soros” for example, is a Christian dog whistle; code for Jews, especially wealthy Jews that Christians despise the most. While I hear these dog whistles every day, Christians are so accustomed to hearing them in their churches and social circles, they don’t even realize they answer them.
Nevertheless, the Doctrine of Discovery is the framework, in which every Non-Christian operates today. One must learn to live within its dictates, for there is no escaping it. To survive on the inside, people learn to be chameleons on the outside. People learn to pass, blend in, speak carefully, read the room, test the waters, choose their battles, and always remember they are outnumbered ten million to one – (and must live in order to fight another day).
For example, Laura, I’ve been reading your work for several years. I rarely disagree with you and comment frequently. But look how long it has taken me to think your recent pieces through well enough, to even attempt a truly honest answer to your questions.
I completely understand why people think the ADL was defending Musk, but I’m not sure that’s what they were doing. In my opinion, the ADL has been stumbling since 2015, when Jonathan Greenblatt, a former Silicon Valley tech executive and former Obama administration official was hired as their new national director. Greenblatt had never operated within any Jewish community circles before, and it shows. Thanks to your article, I looked up the ADL’s board of directors and it reeks of classism (which is a symptom of ill-health on any non-profit board).
That said, the way Christians are responding to Trump, and now Musk, is a much bigger danger, than either man on his own. Elon Musk’s stupid Nazi salute is merely a symbol of the much larger, far deeper, and extremely dangerous fervor sweeping this nation.
To put this in perspective, there are less than 16 million Jews on the entire planet. Less than 6 million, including 1.8 million children live in America, and almost 7 million live in Israel. However, members of America’s pro-Israel, Christian Zionist organizations, outnumber the entire Jewish American population by 5:1. Moreover, both Netanyahu’s and Trump’s largest, wealthiest, and most influential base of support in both America and Israel, are Christian Zionists (not Jews).
For example, with more than 10-million non-Jewish members, Christians United for Israel is both the largest and most powerful pro-Israel lobby in the United States. By comparison, American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) has 3-million members (which include both Christians and Jews).
Thanks to televangelism and mega-churches, today’s Christian evangelicals are filthy rich. Thanks to their corporate partners, Christian evangelicals are as well-organized as an army – and just as militant. By the time Trump ran for the presidency last year, Billionaire-controlled Think Tanks and non-profit organizations, Christian Zionism, Christian Evangelism, Christian Nationalism, and the entire Republican Party were so tightly entangled, they were one in the same and powerful as Hell.
In a country of 340-million people, expecting 4-Million Jews to defend people who attack them is problematic. I despise Netanyahu, I despise the settlers and their movement, and I remain, whole heartedly in favour of a Palestine state. For that reason, Christians call me an anti-Semite.
Laura, I have not answered your question, because I don’t know how. I don’t know how, because I am not a Christian. I navigate Christian bigotry, hate, antisemitism, racism, classism and all the other -isms, because I was born on American soil. I don’t know how, because my daughter is in the middle of Trump’s first immigrant round-ups (and I am so scared for her, I don't think I'm thinking straight).
With all due respect, great trepidation, and a genuine desire not to offend, I honestly think the time has come for Christians to look in the mirror and see, at long last, the face of Christian history.
For all the talk about history, no one wants to talk about Christian history. Nonetheless,
Christendom is where white supremacy, racism, chattel slavery, genocide, bigotry, greed, destruction, antisemitism and other -isms began, and that is the only place where it can end.
As usual I apologize for such a long reply.