Siggy, Germany is a deeply authoritarian culture and the German people pride themselves on uniformity and discipline. That's why they are such fine craftsmen, engineers, scientists, etc.
To really understand what happened to the German people, watch the films of Hitler’s rallies.
Hitler’s displays of power were so intoxicating you could liken them to heroin. Hitler was a showman and nothing before or since can compare to the scale, grandeur, or power of Hitler’s rallies. Thanks to his personal photographer, we have photos of Hitler surrounded by full length mirrors where he practiced his facial expressions, body language and voice in preparation for his rallies.
The Nazis staged ever larger, grander, and more thrilling rallies until the German people were hungering for another display of power – and willing to do anything to get one. Like all addicts, the mind, emotions and morals go numb, and a state of indifference settles in until the only thing that matters is the next fix. And that’s what I think happened to the German people. They were so infected by indifference, they could not care about anyone, not even themselves, or their own children.
We are seeing the same telltale symptoms of mass indifference here in America. Collective addiction and shared delusions are real and dangerous AF.