Rudy Jakma, your comment hit me the wrong way, but it took a minute to figure out the reason.
Simply put, you are stereotyping in reverse – and that sets people up for failure if they don’t meet the stereotype YOU set up for them .
Perhaps, what you wrote is merely what you want to believe about black and coloured people. Do you believe everything you wrote is also true of other ethnicities? If yes, why didn't you just say people, instead of singling out people with black and coloured skin?
You say you meet black and coloured people almost everyday – and that means you are meeting hundreds of new people every year. Rudy, how do you know that black and coloured people you’ve only met “share your beliefs and outlook”?
You go on to say that the black and coloured people you’ve met “have a high degree of integrity as well as higher academic qualifications; people with whom I can have intelligent conversations and discussions and whose level of intelligence is at least equal to, or at a higher level, to that of the average person.” The kinds of things you say here, are things that people learn about people after knowing them a long time. How often do black and coloured people invite you to their homes for dinner, a party, a celebration or to help out with a big job, like moving, or yard work, or remodeling etc.? How often do you reciprocate?
Rudy, if you take the time to really know people, you will find that everyone has every kind of everything inside of them – including you and me.