Personally, I am grateful to Whoopi Goldberg. Whoopi measured her words and said white – and left us to fill in the blank. That kind of moral courage is too valuable to waste, and I will not let Whoopi down – I am filling in the blank.
I cannot stress this strongly enough: the Nazis were white-Christians. Hitler led a white-Christian-Nationalism movement and called it the Nazi Party. White-Christian preachers, preached Hitler’s white-Christian-Nationalism from the pulpit. White-Christians followed Hitler like sheep and killed seventeen (17) million people, including infants in the womb, babies in their mother’s arms and little tiny children. The vast, overwhelming percentage of those murdered people had white skin.
The Nazis filmed white-Christians rejoicing in murder, torture and sins so repulsive we don’t have words to describe it. The allies filmed the concentration camps, and today, you can watch white-Christian men and women throwing thousands upon thousands of dead bodies into pits and see for yourself, that not a one of them is weeping. Instead of covering their faces in shame, they leer, smirk and sneer into the camera. Instead of remorse, they are angry that they are being forced to bury the bodies of the people they murdered.
Today, here in America, white-Christian-Nationalists are wearing the Nazi’s yellow star of David to city council meetings, school board meetings and anti-vax protests – and leaving me torn between terror, fury and indignation.
Today, the white-Christian-Nationalist movement i America, has taken over the Republican party. Republican politicians are claiming that black, brown and “others” are treating them “like Jews”. White-Christian preachers, are preaching white-Christian-Nationalism from the pulpit. White-evangelical-Christian-Nationalists are following Trump like sheep.
This is NOT a grassroots movement. Today’s white-Christian-Nationalism movement was funded by American billionaires who pay Ivy league scholars to write the propaganda, distribute talking points, script the movement and organize and broadcast propaganda 24 hours a day, on television, radio, podcasts, magazines and thousands of blogs and places like Medium.
The outcry over Critical Race Theory was written, scripted and organized in a billionaire funded, white-Christian Nationalist think tank. Every one of the billionaires funding this shit are white.
While Reverend Warnock and dozens like him, are preaching Christianity, white people – and ONLY white people – are preaching white-Christian-Nationalism.
Just to be clear, there is no distinction . no separation and no segregation; the white-American-Evangelical movement and the white-Christian-Nationalism movement are the same thing - and the same people.
For 2022 years, white-Christians have been persecuting – murdering, raping, torturing and colonizing – “others”. Whoopi measured her words and said white – and left us to fill in the blank. I will not let Whoopi down – I am filling in the blank.
Mocha Moma, I ask nothing of you, not even understanding. For the record, Jews did participate in the slave trade (they owned slaves and they bought and sold slaves). During the Civil War, there were more than a million people in the Confederate Army – and 2,000 of them were Jews. On the Union side, Lincoln overturned General Ulysses S. Grant’s order to expel Jews from Tennessee, Mississippi, and Kentucky – and 6,000 Jews joined the Union army. If you feel compelled to blame all Jews, you have that right, for we, Jews, are lousy at policing each other. We are so bad at self-policing, white-Christian-Evangelicals have even divided Israeli Jews. I read about it every single damned day.
In regards, to the census you are correct, but for the wrong reasons. There is no box labeled Jew. Some of us check white, some of us check other, and some of us check a different box every time we are asked that filthy question.
I live in an ultra-conservative rural community, where the white-Evangelical, white-Christian-Nationalist movement took root. After coming face to face with five members of the Aryan Brotherhood in our town’s Baskin Robbins ice cream shop, I stopped wearing my Star of David. That night I stayed because the girl serving ice cream was a high school student, she was alone, it was night, she was Latina, and she was terrified.
You won’t believe me, but your belief is not required. For the last seven years, I’ve been the only white person and the only woman where I work. The man I work for is black, my co-workers are black and brown, except one white two-time felon. If you don’t think we’ve talked about race every single day for the last seven years, you’re crazy. If you don’t believe I’ve witnessed with my own two eyes and ears the blatant racism black people have exposed here on Medium, you are living in a dream world. If you don’t think my boss and co-workers have witnessed blatant antisemitism, you are deluding yourself.
You and I are living in dangerous times. White people divided us and we are still too weak to join hands in common cause, but still I hope.