Oh no you don’t. Other readers have a right to know what you just called me, so let’s spell it out.
Identitarianism is a far-right, white supremacist ideological movement that shares the same goals as fascists and Nazis 90 years ago. Here in the states, Identitarians have been identified as a dangerous and violent far right hate group.
American Identitarians want to preserve the white majority in the U.S. and claim that whites losing their majority status is equivalent to “white genocide.” Identitarians produce propaganda on subjects like immigration and black crime and CRT as “evidence” of whites’ imperiled status.
Nothing — absolutely nothing — in my comment reflected an Identitarian’s belief sysem. That said, the most common tactic in the Identitarians white supremacist handbook is called “projection”. By following the handbook, you stupidly exposed yourself. Comrade, you identify with white supremacists — and there is nothing universalist or socialist about white supremacy. You, Comrade are so into “white” identity politics, you can’t think straight.
Suddenly, your writing here on Medium make sense to me. You are playing the colonialist’s game of divide and conquer. In this essay, you’ve tried to turn Irish people against black people. In other essays you’ve attempted to turn poor people against wealthy people and Jewish people against black people. With your essays on Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King and Frederick Douglass you’ve attempted to turn black people against black people.
Now that I know who you really are, your last two sentences read loud and clear. You are threating me — with rape. How white supremacist can you get?