Oh, for heaven’s sake, let’s start talking about what is really bothering you – shall we? Let’s get to the heart of the matter. Let’s name the problem. Let’s name the beast. Let’s name the forbidden topic.
Here in America, and all around the world, the human race is examining the long, violent, wholly immoral, and utterly despicable behaviour of white Christians. There now, I’ve said it. White-Christians is our subject – and everyone on the planet, including non-white Christians, are talking about white-Christians.
White-Christians carved humanity into races, then dissected, examined, analyzed, and rendered judgment. Today, white-Christian culture is under the microscope and their history is being dissected, examined, and analyzed. When that work is done, “Others” will tell the story of white Christians on this earth – and white Christians’ side of the story, will be nothing more than footnotes.. When “others” have rendered the final judgment, white-Christian culture will fade into the past.
You, Comrade cannot escape the microscope. White Christians are the last to reach the examination table, but here you are – at long last, here you are. Your endless stream of intellectualization cannot keep you off the examination table. You are the center of attention now. You are the subject. Everyone is looking at you. All the rest of us have been examined.
White Christianity hasn’t had an original social idea in 2,000 years. What amazes, inspires and comforts me, are white Christians who left the white Christian stage of their own volition and never returned. These white Christians willingly and knowingly paid the price of a clear conscience and lived their lives as outsiders. They may be far between, but they are not few in number. There are many scattered all across the earth.
I think James Baldwin said it best. The man with a pen as exquisite as his mind and words to match his moral clarity most certainly speaks for me, far better than I speak for myself.
‘I also know that if today I refuse to hate Jews, or anybody else, it is because I know how it feels to be hated. I learned this from Christians, and I ceased to practice what the Christians practiced.
The crisis taking place in the world, and in the minds and hearts of black men everywhere, is not produced by the star of David, but by the old, rugged Roman cross on which Christendom's most celebrated Jew was murdered. And not by Jews.”
James Baldwin
Comrade, you posted a link to those words, so I know you knew them. I also know you could not comprehend them. So hit the link and try again.