Obama was not an economist, by nature or inclination. While he inherited the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, economics was not his strength.
Nonetheless, Obama saw the opportunity amidst the chaos and passed The Affordable Care Act.
I am a huge believer in strategic goals, and that was the biggest one I ever saw realized.
The Affordable Care Act forced change throughout every system in the country. The disruption was so deep and so pervasive it threw the Republican train so far off track, they could not recover. Trump jumped into the void and claimed Republican territory as his own.
I'm no genius, no expert, and no leader, but I do know that the success of strategic planning, depends on identifying the strategic goal that will force change throughout every system.
While a strategic goal is extremely difficult to identify, it is worth finding. I've thought about this and studied it for 20 years, and I'm completely convinced that I have identified a strategic goal worth fighting for.
Simply put, its time for a Constitutional amendment, that defines corporations, then outlaws them, or puts constitutional restraints on them. Moreover, I think its a unifying goal.
Bumpy, this is not a pie in the sky, or hail Mary idea. According to polls, public support for constraining corporations is as high as 72%, followed by 'I don't knows' and single digit opposition. Bottom line, corporations control the nation, but have no citizen support.
It pays to remember, that the longest business in continual operation in the history of the world, is a 1,400 year old family owned company - NOT a corporation. For that matter, the Trump Organization is a third generation family owned company - NOT a corporation.
I went through all that, cause I am hoping people will share any thoughts that spring to mind.