Ms. Morgan, I am not playing your game. This is not a spectator sport. Stop pretending you are sitting in the stands cheering on “your” team playing on the field, down below you. African Americans and Jews are not sports teams. We are not competing. We are not here to entertain you. You are not our coach, referee, judge, owner, agent, sponsor, cheerleader, fan, or spokesperson.
If you are trying to find “your” place in these matters, please know you have none. You are responsible for confronting your own personal, historic and current, role in history. Stop trading in other people’s suffering and start answering for your people. Tell us, what role your ancestors played in genocide and slavery? Then tell us, what you are doing to make sure your people never do it again?
Your comment that “The Holocaust lasted 12 years” is unconscionable. Christians have been persecuting, torturing, and murdering Jews for 2023 years. Your attempt to divide a deeply intertwined history is disgusting. In 1902, the Germans established the first concentration camp on Shark Island where they perfected the concentration camp model for genocide that the Nazis would use to exterminate European Jews.
Don’t take any of this personally. Take it literally. I really want to know what made your people cause so much suffering? More than anything, I want to know what you are doing to prevent it from happening again?