Mr. Spivey, sometimes numbers put things in perspective.
Between 1619 and 1865, black slaves contributed more than 410-Billion hours of FREE labor to the building of this nation. To put that in modern day perspective, that is equivalent to Amazon’s 1.1-million employees working 180 years for FREE. At 40 hours a week, it would take me 197,115,384-years to contribute that many hours to the American economy.
You often mention forced breeding of slaves in America, so let’s look at related numbers.
In 1808, when importing slaves became illegal, births to enslaved women immediately increased by about 250,000 every year. Note: between 1856 and 1858, the average price for a female slave at Bolton, Dickens and Company had increased to $1,126.oo.
In 1860, 1,865,898 infants were born enslaved (with an estimated value of more than $2-Billion dollars or roughly 37-Billion in today’s dollars).
In 1861, the Civil War began and births to enslaved women immediately dropped to 197,032 – and continued dropping until 1865 when enslaved women gave birth to 155,955 children. This appears to be the true “natural increase”. In other words, America’s forced breeding programs were producing around 1.5-million enslaved infants a year.
I suspect that death in childbirth helps explain the huge disparity in life spans between whites and blacks before the Civil War.
From ‘20. and odd’ to 10 million: The growth of the slave population in the United States