Mr. Silvercloud, you silver tongued man you, putting me to the test like this. I can’t help myself. I’m appropriating it. I’m done being a country bumpkin. I’m done falling off turnip trucks. From this day forward, I’m an Apple Knocker.
This Apple Knocker has some tracking skills, so I’ll show all y'all how to find those sneaky conservatives in urban America. Now, ya gotta remember these aren’t snakes, so we ain’t looking for any signs of grassroots movement here. Conservatives run in packs and the males got big territory issues. That’s why their males fight so much. Conservative women love them Alpha males, so you got lots of female warring going on backstage. When you start hearing the roar of crowds, you’ll know you’re getting close.
The Conservative Movement belongs to the billionaires who created it, fund and lead it. Billionaires are big as dinosaurs and everything about them is just huge. If you want to find these dinosaurs, you follow trampled grass to their dens.
I’ve been tracking billionaire dinosaurs a long time and can save city folks the trouble of tracking them down. Conservatives nest in mega-churches. You didn’t think all those mega-churches sprung up from the grassroots now did ya? Hell no. This is show business folks and conservative billionaires built themselves some mighty big tents. Talk about appropriation, they got the idea from us Apple Knockers.
Back in the day, we Apple Knockers did our hallelujahs in tents. When Brother Love’s Travelling Salvation Show came to town, up went the circus tent. Out went the barkers, stirring up the passions, lighting fires in people’s chests, and spreading the word. Soon enough, Brother Love came driving into town wearing his bright white suit and my he rode in style. Six white horses in the old days, Cadillac’s in the middle days and sleek private jets today. We apple knockers couldn’t wait to get inside his tent and get ourselves saved. People argued about it for months, was Brother Love or Ringling Brothers the greatest show on earth?
These mega-churches are quite a spectacle. Spectacle is their business and they put on a great show. Bands, loudspeakers, big screens, light shows and big crowds get folks so worked up, they truly got the fever.
Google images, mega-churches and you’ll get the picture. Thousands of city conservatives trying to get in the big tent and get themselves saved, jams up traffic for miles in all directions. Mega-churches is how the billionaires spread conservative fever. Think not?
Google images, Trump rallies and see for yourself. Trump is just another Brother Love huckster, who set up his tent on his way through town and the mega-church goers flocked right on in. And when Brother Trump passed the basket, the good people emptied their wallets and their pockets and went home to empty pantries, with a fire in their bellies.
Thank you for the fuel, Mr. Silvercloud, you got my morning train of thought going. 😊
PS. Youtube Neil Diamond, Brother Love's Travelling Salvation Show recommended.