Mr. Kelly, I appreciate your reply (especially your tone).
For 2000 years, Christian doctrine and theology has been manipulated, corrupted and perverted to support the ambitions of the rich and powerful many, many times. Colonialism, and all its barbarism, is deeply rooted in Christian doctrine.
For example, the Doctrine of Discovery is the foundation of the white Christian belief system that justified, advocated for, and encouraged the rape, pillage, enslavement, and exploitation of dark-skinned people all across the earth (aka colonialism).
Here in the states, the U.S. Supreme Court cited the Doctrine of Discovery to justify the stealing of Native American land and force Native American children into “Christian schools” where they were abused (and thousands died). Deb Holland, our current Secretary of the Interior, recently completed a well-documented accounting of the sickening depths of abuse these children suffered in so-called Christian schools.
Another example is Christian Dispensationalism that underpins modern day white evangelical theology that revolves around Israel.
On the other hand, Christian Liberation Theology is practiced in many, perhaps most, African American churches. It’s no surprise that white people, completely removed all of Exodus when printing “slave bibles.” In essence liberation theology is the biblical justification for the liberation of people oppressed, enslaved, and brutalized by those who follow the Doctrine of Discovery and Christian Dispensationalism (perhaps more accurately described as white evangelism). In my own experience in black churches, Liberation Theology helps explain many African Americans’ support of Palestinians today, as well as their past support of Jews during and after the Holocaust.
The story of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German Lutheran pastor, theologian and anti-Nazi dissident is instructive. In the 1930s, Bonhoeffer was deeply influenced by teachings at the Abyssinian Baptist Church in Harlem where he taught Sunday school – and heard Adam Clayton Powell Sr. preach the Gospel of Social Justice. Upon his return to Germany, Bonhoeffer openly opposed the Nazi regime. On 8 April 1945, the Nazis stripped Bonhoeffer of his clothing and led him, naked, into the execution yard where he was hanged.
Given all the different, often conflicting, doctrines and theologies, the word “Christian” is so deceiving, it’s fair to call it propaganda and brainwashing. Unfortunately, most people who call themselves “Christians” have no idea what doctrine or theology they are following. Since they don’t even know what other churches teach, they just assume all Christians believe they same things. The ignorance of these Christians is very carefully maintained because it enables the rich and powerful to manipulate millions of people directly from the pulpits of their own churches. Obviously, Christian pastors, preachers and priests in these churches are complicit in using Christianity to dominate their own congregants, including children.
It is easy to mistake politics for religion. Here in the states, when you hear the word “Zionist” I think it best to assume they are talking about Christian Zionists. While most Jews support Israel, they do not support Christian Zionism.
In regard to labelling Jews, liberals, it fits only if you mean Liberation theology which harkens back to the Torah (or what Christians call the “old” testament).
After 2000 years, Christianity is so polluted, corrupted and politicized it’s a shell, filled by whatever propaganda the rich and powerful want to preach. Like a building, Donald Trump gutted Christianity, and when it was a completely empty shell, he filled it with his own brand.
Inside Christianity today, all you will find is Donald Trump. Even Christ is gone.