Marcia — I am as angry as you are, but for different reasons. Since I am not a Christian, I don’t know enough about their beliefs to discuss them.
Genesis 2:7 tells us that human life begins OUTSIDE the womb. “And the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground, and He breathed into his nostrils the soul of life, and man became a living soul.”
“Dust of the ground” refers to the earth itself that nourishes the physical body (food, water, air and shelter). It does NOT mean a woman’s womb.
“The soul of life” refers to purpose here on earth. Air is one interpretation — humans can only live 3 minutes without air. Human lungs are not fully developed until 37 weeks AFTER gestation. Since life does NOT begin until after birth, there is no death in the womb. Stillborns and premature babies often complete their earthly purpose so quickly, their bodies die seconds after birth.
People who think they have the right to decide who should and should not get food, water and shelter here on earth are deviants, perhaps not even human.