Like the rest of the world, America is finally, emerging from colonialism - the single, most culturally destructive era in human history.
Our past is littered with horrific crimes against other human beings, or as their victims. In some horribly contorted way, it feels better to believe we were victims, rather than the perpetrators of those crimes.
Some people are trying to cope by believing they are victims now - as though being a victim now, can erase the role of perpetrator in the past.
Others are engaged in self-flagellation - as though beating themselves up, can somehow undo past wrongs.
Still others are denying any role, whatsoever, in the past - as though they are the first human beings on the planet.
Some people are doubling-down, insisting colonialization was G-d's will - as though murder, rape, genocide, pillage, torture, stealing, lying and cheating were rights G-d gave to them and them alone. Sadly, this is what I see in Mrs. Barrett
Mrs. Barrett is a colonizer. She has a colonizer's heart and mind. Mrs. Barrett uses her intelligence to force G-d's will upon us all. She uses her children to prove her value to G-d. She uses her husband, and our president, to prove her obedience to men. She uses her voice to prove her innocence and virtue. She uses her accomplishments to prove she is worthy of authority and power.
Mrs. Barrett is a true believer. If G-d wills it, she will sacrifice her children, her husband, her country and herself. True believers are terrifying people; they are the people who colonized the earth.