Like a whole lot of things, indigenous Americans knew more about nature, than western scientists did. As things turn out, the brain anatomy of transgender people is different than cis-gendered people. In keeping with the “two spirit people” revered in indigenous societies, there is a third brain anatomy. Transgender people are as natural as rain; just like everybody else, they are responding to their brains, not the role western society assigned their body parts.
There are also hermaphrodites, people born with both ovary and testicular tissue. Traditionally, doctors have required parents of hermaphrodites to choose their newborn’s sex, then proceeded to surgically create that sex. Many parents never told their children that they’d been born hermaphrodites, only to discover in adolescence, that they’d chosen the wrong sex for their child. The psychological impact, on both parents and child, must feel unbearable. And yes, hermaphrodites have delivered babies.
In my mind, the thinking you presented in this article is really important. Personally, I’ve been very concerned about in vitro and artificial fertilization. Anyone who is capable of producing something as valuable as a child, has a financial interest too large to ignore, let alone trust.
We, humans, are facing enormous challenges of our own making and too many of us are not thinking at all.
Thanks for another good read.