Laura, for me research is an adventure that takes me round and round the world, checking in on the work of archeologists, geologists, scientists, priests, preachers, and diplomats as I travel through. I think it fair to say I am addicted.
You recommended Howard French and lo and behold his book added much to one of my research projects. A couple years back I got curious (so far, curiosity hasn't killed this cat, but I am getting wary) about where the heck the founders got their wealth, so I started digging and that led me straight to corporations and banks.
It would take a solid month to organize my notes, so I don't write about it, but at least I got notes. I know you already know this, but I'll say it anyways.
One, the "capital" created by slavery is still intact, and still earning money for the largest, wealthiest and most influential corporations, trusts, and families in the world. The "return on investment" (ROI) on slave generated "capital-funds" is so big, that the capital is left invested to keep on earning, while the ROI has been used to buy everything from politicians, to judges, lobbyists, laws, land, oil, mineral and coal reserves, lakes, rivers and aquifers, technology, private armies (aka mercenaries), massive art collections, jewelry, voters, jets, private islands and $500,000.oo bras.
Make no mistake about it, the money is still there. People need to start talking about this now or they won't be prepared for the hard questions.
My question is this: Do people want to allocate, or transfer, the slave generated capital funds to a Reparations Trust and disperse the return on investment on an annual basis? Or... Do people want to disburse the capital funds all at once in a one-time payout? I can see pros and cons in both scenarios.
Two, I am not the only one tracking wealth born of slavery. The vast majority of the work is being done in Europe, but there is an emerging force working on it here in the states.
Three, if I'm right, and I think I am, people like you, working on social media are laying the groundwork necessary for this long hidden history to enter the public mind. It could not be done before social media, because the scope and breath of the deceit and corruption is overwhelming. To make a difference, it can only be absorbed slowly, one bite at a time.
Every time, you post an article like this, a few more people start thinking, remembering, and talking about it As they used to say, word of mouth is the best advertising and cannot be bought. In time, someone in your comment section will tell you, everything you just wrote here - and when that happens, you will know that your work has reached hundreds, thousands, even millions of people. Keep writing... please