Last Sunday, my daughter and I were talking, when she said, "I like sitting on the stoop with you" and I burst into tears. I cried because, Susie, my best friend from high school and I used to sit on the stoop and talk. Over the years, we'd call and ask do you have time to sit on the stoop with me? Sometimes we did, sometimes we didn't.
Susie was 47 when she died and I felt like you do now. The years came and went, and one day I noticed that stoop was one of many words that brought Susie back to me.
My grandmother always said, when your joys are doubled and your sorrows halved, you will know you've found love. Like electrical currents, relationships are two way streets. I think that's the reason not everyone gets a George or a Susie in their lives.
Just as your George and my Susie made us lucky people, we made them lucky too. It always takes two.