Lakitha, I take your point seriously. However, I remain laser focused on the system than enables these people.
In the context of systems, we are dealing with corporations - not people - and that changes things a lot. For example, once I understood that the enemy was a thing, not a person or people, I had no moral or ethical concerns, whatsoever, about destroying it. Yes, I am talking about destroying corporations and I know it can be done because its been done before. On September 3, 1783, American colonists defeated corporations and declared independence. We are taught that the Revolutionary War was fought against a country, but that is a lie. Colonists fought corporations - not Britain. The founders betrayed the colonists, and left the door open for corporations to return. Nonetheless, the lesson had been learned - corporations can be defeated.
I am working on articles about corporate history now and hope to publish soon. In the meantime, I could really use some input and would appreciate your thoughts and feelings on what I've said here.