K.L. your story brought back memories of similar evenings with my now grown children. Great fun. That everyone can easily talk and laugh about it with each other, tells me we did something right.
I suppose that's the reason some of these comments surprised me.
Some of these comments sound like they came straight out of some book? parenting guide? parenting class? on-line parent website? Trouble with all the "professional" advice on how to be a good parent, is that kids don't have their own "professional" advisor telling them how to be the kind of kid, their parents need them to be.
Moreover, each one of our children hears, sees, feels and interprets everything parents say and do a little differently. Are these parents buying different parenting books to match each child's specific needs, personality, etc. ? If not, someone needs to tell them that parenting is not a "one-size-fits-all" effort.