John Brown's legacy lived on in his children. One of his great-great-grandsons was a man by the name of John Clausen. After following in his famous grandfather's footsteps, Johnny passed over in 2007, at the age of 97.
Just three years earlier, Johnny had driven to my home, shoved a magazine in my hand and said, “we have to get to work fighting this” and left. Within a week we’d assembled a team of activists and we’re still working when Johnny passed over.
When we drove to marches, conferences, campaign work, etc., Johnny’s story telling was like walking through history. He did not romanticize history. He was blunt as blunt could be.
I think Johnny would agree with you, for I remember him saying, “white people can’t help anyone, until we clean our own house.” To understand what he meant, this is the article that launched the last campaign of Johnny’s life.