James, your reply brought me back here and I did as you asked. Reading the piece again, did not change my mind.
Dan Foster preaches to more than 15,000 people here, including me. Unlike Christ, Foster’s words are immortalized in written form. What Foster preaches here matters. It matters most to people who are the targets of white Christian nationalists.
There is no doubt in my mind, that if Jesus was alive today, Christians would kill him. They would kill him, because he would call out the hypocrisy of Christians and threaten their entire religious system used to control the masses (in the name of Christ). If that is the point Foster was trying to make, he fell far short of the mark.
First, Foster claimed that “Jesus Christ was universally loved by most people in his day.” That claim is absurd; the vast, overwhelming, majority of people alive at the time had never heard of Christ (think China, North America, South America, India, Africa, Australia, Europe and hundreds of islands).
Secondly, Foster wrote “The bible says he [Christ] grew in favor with God and man.” That too is absurd. Christ had been gone several hundred years before men wrote the Bible. By then, Christianity was being forced on people, at the point of swords, clubs, arrows, and guns carried by armies ruled by men. To spare themselves, expulsion, torture, murder and the complete destruction of their societies, people accepted Christian rule.
The reason I feel so strongly about all this is found in the Book of Moses. Christ’s teachings, and his life, were in perfect keeping with all ten commandments. Christ did not murder, lie, steal, covet, commit adultery or disrespect his parents. Christ also followed the commandments, you shall have no other G-d's before me, thou shalt not make unto thee any graven images and thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy G-d in vain. Christ never built a church, preached inside of one, or asked his followers to create a religion, write a bible, cement his teachings in dogma, build churches in his name, pay preachers to preach or commit violence in his name.
I suspect Foster and I agree on these matters. Foster’s reply to my comment, suggests the internet has become Dan Foster’s church. If so, Foster has joined the temple hypocrites.