Its 12:02 a.m., already the sixth, the votes are still coming in, it doesn't look good for Harris. So far, Democrats have lost two Senate seats, including Jon Tester of Montana who was good for rural areas. I tried, but could not sleep. I feel awful.
I used to be an idea person, but right now, I'm out of ideas. The old ways of activism and organizing are coming to an end, and something new will emerge. I could console myself with platitudes, but I'm not in the mood. I saw this coming, and did what I could, but civic apathy has ruled Americans for the last fifty years. The future belongs to the young, and I am not one of them anymore.
No worries, I will rally, I always do, but it will take a while to find a new direction. I wrote that last sentence and ideas started flowing. I'm still here, thank goodness I cannot lose myself.