In America, white people commit the largest percentage of crimes. Worse yet, the number of their victims far exceeds those of all other groups combined. Commonly known as white-collar crime, every one of these crimes impacts anywhere from hundreds to thousands of people. The impact on victims ranges from death, maiming, and debilitating diseases, to bankruptcy, job losses and the loss of homes, life savings etc.
The teeny-tiny number of white-white-collar criminals who are sentenced to prison enjoy lushly landscaped grounds and lovely facilities that include swimming pools, music rooms, pool tables, craft rooms, yoga, exercise rooms and equipment, movie nights, intramural sports, racquetball, bocce ball, flag football, classes in art, music, commercial photography, computer technology, etc., work outside the prison during the day and spend their conjugal visits with spouses in hotels. You can check these prisons out here:
The vast majority of pedophiles are also white men (87%). Like white-collar criminals, each pedophile has dozens, even hundreds of victims. Nonetheless, when compared to property crime and drug related crimes, white pedophiles serve very little time in prison. You can read more about that here.
Status also plays a role in sentencing. For example, police officers and prison guards are the single largest group of domestic abusers in the nation (wife beaters and child abusers) – and judges rarely sentence these people to prison.
On the other hand, the vast majority of people in American prisons have very few, if any victims – and are sentenced to prison for property crimes, drugs and petty crimes. As you might have already guessed, white people are often sentenced to community service, or jail, for the exact same crime that dark-skinned people are sentenced to prison. Black and brown children are often charged as adults and serve time in adult prisons, while white children are charged as juveniles and never see the inside of a prison.