I’m thinking more along biblical lines as in, Matthew 19: 6-12.
In a word “eunuchs”.
Is this the reason men have insisted, they alone, should “interpret” the bible? Would women preachers interpret Matthew 19 as a remedy for rapists, and men who have sex outside of marriage and men who are not faithful to their wives? Jesus was clear on this. After castration men are fully capable of working and fulfilling their responsibilities as men. In other words, men do not have to have sex to be productive members of society.
Inasmuch as the bible is the basis for controlling women’s bodies, the bible must control men’s bodies as well.
Let’s go full biblical. Let’s take abortion off the table and put castration back on the table. And while we’re at it, Matthew 19 leaves no doubt, impotence is G-d’s will. Clearly, we need to take the blue pill away from men as well. In America fake erections must be made illegal. No more viagra.
Just so people don’t go off half-cocked, the practice of castration emerged as a central feature of Christianity itself. The Catholic church threw women out of choirs and replaced their lovely soprano voices with castrated boys. This practice, known as turning boys into castratos, was not outlawed until 1903. Is it resurrection time?
Eunuchs can’t make babies – right? If men don’t have heirs, they will leave the wealth they inherited from their fathers to the church. Oh lovely castration, you solve so many problems. Requiring priests to take a vow of celibacy made Christianity filthy rich.
If we can castrate men for sopranos in our operas and church choirs, wealth in our churches, and servants to our kings, surely we can castrate men for rape.
I hate to sound materialistic, but let’s save ourselves $84,000. a year and stop putting rapists in prison. Once we castrate rapists, they can return to work and pay for their crimes with cold, hard cash.
I know. I know. I went off the rails.