I’m not mad about our Cuban immigration policies (at all). I’m angry about the way the immigration policy for one group of people has been used to malign other immigrants.
Politicians and the media should have been reminding people, repeatedly, that these benefits were limited to Cubans. Instead, they let people believe that all immigrants received the same benefits. To make matters worse, the Cuban community has been held up as model immigrants (hard working, starting businesses, buying homes, going to college etc.). While that is true, politicians should have been telling people, this is the benefit of “helping” immigrants get a start here in America.
Instead, people like Ted Cruz tell the story of his father fleeing Cuba and arriving in America with $100.00 in his pocket. But Cruz never mentions all the help given to his father that was not given to other immigrants. And I think that is wrong.
Over my 50 year long relationship with farmworkers and organizers, I’ve met people from all over the world. Sharing our family’s origin stories and how they’ve affected us, is the way we connect and build trust.
When all is said and done, I’m convinced that healthy social policy is blind. It doesn’t matter who you are, human beings need food, water, shelter, healthcare and safety. Assure people have these basics and all of society will be healthier, productive and peaceable.
Deny people these basics, and society grows sickly, angry, and violent.