If you leave Medium, I will be disappointed. Instead of writing articles for Medium, how about using it to post material you are developing elsewhere? Either way, I wish you the best of luck.
As for funding...
Philanthropic organizations set their own agendas and you have to align your goals with theirs to get any funding. It takes a bit of wordsmithing, but it can be done without compromising your work.
Academia is super hierarchical and getting into the funded circles is next to impossible.
Given your subject matter, I think government funding is out.
Private donors are ego driven and demand "ownership", but if you don't mind giving up the rights to your intellectual property, the rich love their "pet projects" (with money). Personally, I've found rich donors/sponsors/funders are a good launching pad. By the time you develop a solid project, you've made enough connections through your sponsors, to find new funders for additional work.
By keeping my long term goal to myself, I managed to stay funded for a decade. Since I was published and my work was well known, I was able to independently launch the kind of work I'd been aiming for all along.