I beg to differ. The CEO's of American Corporations outsourced American's jobs. In exchange for cheap labour, American CEO's accepted China's terms.
In exchange for campaign contributions and multi-million dollar paychecks after they left office, American politicians crafted laws, trade agreements and immigration policies that enabled American CEO's to send American's jobs to China.
As a result of these betrayals, American's lost their jobs, American factories closed, rural America's economy collapsed. AND the American CEO class turned from millionaires into billionaires and soon to be, trillionaires. And, China's economy grew by leaps and bounds.
In other words, American CEO's built a new, and powerful China.
Trump doesn't have the guts to stand up to American CEO's. Trump is their puppet, their play thing, their mouth piece. He talks rough and course to us and we get all tingly with excitement, while the CEO's sit in their gold houses counting their trillions and laughing at us.
You think Trump standing up to China, was standing up for us? Would you please explain your thinking?