Hmmm, I'm not so sure about that.
In nature change is constant. Soil is constantly evolving, the climate is constantly changing, lakes, streams, rivers and oceans are rising, falling or changing paths. Just as flora and fauna must adapt to change or die, so too humans.
In the natural world, the perpetuation of a species depends on adaptation. Without diversity, adaptation is impossible. And that's where humans made their gravest mistake.
Humans tried to build a stable world, inside a constantly changing world. To create their idea of "stability", humans acted like G-ds. They kept what they liked and tried to control or get rid of everything else - including people (think segregation, class, status, nations, states, etc.).
The results of this human experiment in the realm of G-ds is coming home to roost.
The built environment is crumbling. Bridges are collapsing, roads and homes are falling off cliffs, building are collapsing, damns are breaking, mountains are turning into mudslides, water supplies are polluted and depleted, and homes, stores, etc. need constant repair. And frightened, confused and angry people are fleeing both, human and natural disasters.
What is happening inside of us, is the fodder of horror films.
Our bodies are full of man-made chemicals delivered through our food, water and air supplies. Instead of the natural environment, our genes have started adapting to chemicals and poisons. Once rare disorders are increasingly common,, especially in children. Infertility is rampant. Our immune systems are weaker and weaker. Our brains are less and less adaptable. Everyone is taking a drug of one kind or another - from chemo, to aspirin and fentanyl for pain in the body or the mind.
That's the long way of saying, promiscuity is a man made idea, that can exist only inside the built environment (where natural creation is forbidden).
In the natural world, new life is assured through the diverse interaction of all things. The bee that cross pollinates, assures our diets are filled with ever adapting fruits, vegetables, nuts, honey and meats, etc. The people who do not look like us, assure ever adaptive progeny. The new and unfamiliar assure adaptable brains.
"The meek shall inherit the earth" finally makes sense to me.
Welcome to a two cent ride on my morning train of thought. :)