Hazlit, your comment bears the symptoms of a baby boomer. When baby boomers were in high school, they were subjected to indoctrination. You were innocent then. You trusted teachers and believed they were teaching you biology. You studied hard to pass your biology class. Maybe you got an A. You were happy.
Back then, you had no way of knowing that you’d been taught an ideology - not science. The ideology you were taught is known as eugenics - or “scientific racism.” When the Nazi concentration camps, and Nuremberg trials exposed the consequences of eugenics, the word “racism” was dropped. For the next 40 years, eugenics ideology was taught in public school biology classes as “scientific” human biology.
Most people take a biology class required for graduation, and never read a biology book again. As a result, they never discover they’d been indoctrinated – not educated.
Until recently, I did not know that while I was learning science in high school, public schools were indoctrinating students with eugenics ideology. That discovery explained a lot. Suddenly, I understood where so many white people’s racist views and beliefs had come from and why they held onto them so tightly.
If you’d gone to a college prep high school, your biology and history teachers would have covered ideologies, especially eugenics, so thoroughly, you would have known that “scientific racism” was not scientific by any means or measure.
Based on your comment, I suspect you went to a public high school. If that’s true, ideological indoctrination is the reason, you believe “historically Black men committed most crimes…”
Scientific analysis shows the opposite: historically white men commit most crimes. Likewise, the vast majority of financial, fraud and organized crimes are committed by white men (and at a rate so far above their percentage of the population, sociologists are trying to determine the contributing factors). If white-collar crime was prosecuted on s pare with other crimes, white men would outnumber all non-white people in prison - by a huge numbers.
You might want to spend some time googling eugenics. As ideologies go, its a doozy.