4 min readJul 30, 2023


Good morning Mr. Edwards. I think our trains of thought are running on parallel tracks. In my mind, what saved Jews and Africans from extermination was diaspora - from the Greek meaning to scatter. Regardless of the reason or the place of origin, I think the world’s diaspora communities have a great deal to learn from each other.

I’ve had my fill of the white intellectual games and bullying, so I will address geography first.

There are only 6 continents on this planet: Eurasia, Africa, North America, South America, Australia and Antarctica. The Eurasian continent includes Russia, the entire middle east, India and a pudgy little peninsula located on its north-west corner (that someone nicknamed Europe).

Palestinians by faith are Jews, Christians and Muslims who speak Semitic languages including, Arabic, Amharic, Tigrinya, Hebrew, Tigre, Aramaic and Maltese.

English is NOT a semitic language. In fact, many words in the English language are rooted in Semitic languages, meaning the Europeans didn’t even have the concepts those words represent – until Semitic people introduced them to higher thinking and more advanced cultures and civilizations – including things like mathematics, astronomy, science and agriculture.

Personally, I would not put the words Economic Zionism in the same sentence. Conflating those two words hides the truth. Simply put, Europeans considered Jews rats, vermin and filth (not human). For centuries on end, Europeans slaughtered Jews for sport, to appease an angry citizenry, appease the church, steal wealth, and target practice. For that reason, the outdated term Economic Zionism, was to the European aristocracy, the price of an exterminator to rid their countries of what they called “The Jewish Problem.”

The first bankers on our planet, were the Knights of Templar, the military arm of the Roman Catholic church (sanctioned by the Pope in 1129). In the name of Christ, the Knights of Templar carried on the crusades, and brutalized, terrorized, tortured, murdered, raped, and stole the lands and possessions of non-Christians, Jews and Muslims all across the Levant and north into Europe for two long centuries.

The Knights of Templar headquartered themselves on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The Temple Mount is the holiest site in Judaism (the Temple of King Solomon, the third and last king of the ancient United Kingdom of Israel). The Temple Mount is also where the al-Masjid al-Aqṣā mosque (meaning the farthest mosque) was built. According to the Quran, Muhammad travelled from Mecca to the al-Masjid al-Aqṣā mosque in Jerusalem where he ascended to Heaven.

The Temple Mount was the location of a few events in the life of Christ, which included the Jewish Temple, known as Herod’s Temple (Solomon’s Temple was destroyed, and Herod built a new temple in its place). As I said, the Temple Mount is where the Knights of Templar headquartered their operations.

Considered safe places, Templar convents (or outposts) became repositories for cash, jewels, and important documents. The order had their own cash reserves which were, from as early as 1130, put to use in interest-gaining loans. The Templars permitted people to deposit money in one convent (outpost), then withdraw it from a different convent. In another early banking service, people could hold an account with the Templars, paying in regular deposits and arranging for the Templars to pay out money, with interest.

By the 13th century, the Templars were such powerful bankers the kings of France and other nobles kept their treasuries with the Templars. Kings and nobles who embarked on crusades to the Holy Land, needed to pay their armies on the spot and meet supply needs, so they sent large cash sums to the Templars which could be withdrawn later in the Levant. The Templars also lent money to rulers and thus became an important element in the increasingly sophisticated financial – and political – structure of Europe.

As for the Belfour Agreement, Rothschild got suckered – big time. Unbeknownst to Rothschild, Great Britain, France and Russia had already agreed to carve up the middle east among themselves. Because of the religious aspects, they’d already agreed that Palestine would be controlled by an “international body”. The emir of Mecca, Hussein ibn Ali also got suckered, by the British high commissioner in Egypt who promised, in writing, an independent Arab state (even though he knew, all the land in the middle east had already been divided between Russia, Great Britain and France).

Even though Germany was torpedoing American ships, America remained neutral. And then, a telegram from the German Foreign Secretary, Arthur Zimmerman, to the President of Mexico was intercepted, and changed President Woodrow Wilson’s mind. Turned out, Germany was doing some dividing of its own. The “Zimmerman” telegram read:

“We [Germany] intend to begin on the first of February unrestricted submarine warfare. We shall endeavor in spite of this to keep the United States of America neutral. In the event of this not succeeding, we make Mexico a proposal of alliance on the following basis: make war together, make peace together, generous financial support and an understanding on our part that Mexico is to reconquer the lost territory in Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. The settlement in detail is left to you. You will inform the President of the above most secretly as soon as the outbreak of war with the United States of America is certain, and add the suggestion that he should, on his own initiative, invite Japan to immediate adherence and at the same time mediate between Japan and ourselves. Please call the President's attention to the fact that the ruthless employment of our submarines now offers the prospect of compelling England in a few months to make peace.


After WW11, Europeans sent survivors of the Nazi concentration camps to overcrowded, dirty, cold, detention camps where the desperately ill and emaciated Jews and other “others” kept dying. The Europeans did not want the Jews back, and now that they were all rounded up in detention camps, decided to send them to Palestine.

In my mind, what saved Jews and Africans from extermination was diaspora - from the Greek meaning to scatter. Regardless of the reason or the place of origin, I think the world’s diaspora communities have a great deal to learn from each other – hence I write.




Written by Raffey

Rural America is my home. I serve diner, gourmet, seven course, and homecooked thoughts — but spare me chain food served on thoughtless trains of thought.

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