Good morning, Licia Marie.
I admit, I had to read it three times before I’d grasped the scope of it all. Over the next few weeks, I found it had some kind of liberating effect (on my mind). Somehow, the power of “expertise” had been reduced to size. These kinds of experiences always remind me to take good care of my mind (or someone else will).
The future impact, if any, on society remains to be seen. The more people who become aware of it, the more impactful it will be — at least that is my guess. If I were looking for a therapist today, I would be asking how this apology would be affecting their work — with me.
Perhaps I’m naïve, or stupid, but I am hoping other “professions” follow suit. If the legal, medical and teaching professions started owning up to their faults and failures, the benefits to society would be incalculable.
Thank you for letting me know you read it. 😊