Good morning. Good stuff, thanks for the heads-up.
Wwhen you sell creativity for a living, you cannot afford to run out of ideas (cause children like to eat). To stay in business everyone I know keeps a morgue. We use our morgues to kick start the creative side of our own brains – not copy someone else’s work.
This was a good week for me. I found three new works, that intrigued me (including yours). No, you are not in a morgue, per se, you are in my creative brain trust.
In his comment to another Medium writer, Adrian Moine wrote: “If you want to hear a person that is also always on point and capable of explaining his ideas clearly, I highly recommend you follow Beau of the Fifth Column on YouTube. Videos are usually between 4 and 8 minutes. Don't be put off by his white southerner appearance. He's beyond liberal and knows what he's talking about.” Well, I live in Kentucky, so that intrigued me and I went looking for Beau.
Thinking Beau might spark some fresh ideas for you, here are a few samples.
Let's talk about what it's like to be a black person in the US....
Let’s talk about being armed and black…
Let's talk about Natives, history, and volume being released....