Good grief. The author is comparing the purpose of the Gestapo - not the entity itself.
Good men do not NEED enforcers to stay in power. Leaders who bring peace and prosperity to their countries do not need enforcers. Good men stay in power by virtue alone.
The fact that a man NEEDS heavily armed, brutal, even murderous enforcers to stay in power is the subject here. What that man calls “his” enforcement agencies is irrelevant. They are “his” agencies and everyone inside them works for “him”, answers to “him”, defends “him” and serves “him” - in fact, they live FOR “him”. And that is the measure of a dictator – regardless of name or nationality. Enforcers work for tyrants, not country.
Only leaders who bring conflict, violence and poverty to their countries, require enforcers.
A Gestapo is a gestapo by any name you give it.