Given the Supreme Court's anticipated ruling overturning Roe v Wade, I highly recommend everyone, especially women, and fathers read the report you cited in reply to Bab Atkinson. If you do not read it, at least take note of this well-documented slice of history.
In the 1800s, Alabama physician, Nathan Bozeman, was testing a surgical technique in the repair of vesicovaginal fistula on enslaved women. However, these fistulas are most often experienced by children attempting to give birth. Bozeman’s well-documented medical experiments suggest white enslavers were breeding – and raping - enslaved children (as well as enslaved women).
To fully understand this condition, an accurate description is required.
"A vaginal fistula is a childbirth complication due to obstructed labour when the tissues between a woman's vagina and her bladder or rectum are damaged from the continuous pressure from the baby's head stuck in the birth canal. The dead tissue falls off resulting in a hole through which the mother continuously leaks urine or feces or sometimes both.
The tragedy of a fistula begins when a child, or woman goes into labour. Try as she might, the baby won't budge. Hours pass, days even and her suffering continues. Her baby dies inside her and has to be extracted, sometimes piece by piece.
Surgery is the only way to repair these fistulas. Without surgery, girls leak urine, feces or both constantly, and the smell is horrendous (especially in the humid southern states). The smell removes the child from breeding, sale and companionship. Hence, Bozeman's surgical experiments, were very likely, an attempt to return enslaved girls to breeding (and rape).
Putting the bodies of little girls and women in the hands of this Supreme Court is insane.