GEN! This is a remarkable demonstration of self-discipline. Not even one characterization, qualifying adjective or adverb to be found. However, did you resist temptation? Wow! You've earned my respect - and admiration.
Believe it or not, I ran into this way back in 2006 when our local newspaper opened up a comment section on its new website. I was running for office that year and that "public-comment" section turned our simple school board election into a nightmare.
15 years ago, no one could believe what was happening. When I started getting death threats, our local police chief insisted it was just talk - "that's politics" he said. He was wrong.
For months, hundreds of people showed up at board meetings, screaming, yelling, chanting. It was chaos. It was ugly. The city council had to increase the police budget to cover the costs of policing school board meetings and protecting school board members.
Luckily, some people organized themselves and went to work combatting the opposition on the newspaper's website. They were so effective, I would survive a recall election by 63% of the vote.
By the time the newspaper was able to get it's comment section under control, my home had been set on fire in the middle of the night (arson), my car had been destroyed and I was under police protection - and being escorted to and from school board meetings.
To my regret, the "anonymous" campaign succeeded in frightening the board so badly, they voted 4-3 to terminate the administrators involved in fiscal malfeasance we'd uncovered, rather than press criminal charges.
Those administrators went on to other school districts. Within a year, three were fired and one ended up in handcuffs.