Failing to understand Hitler leaves us vulnerable to men just like him. For that reason, I feel the need for corrections. At the very least, a different point of view.
The lesson of Hitler is rather simple. Any would-be leader who demands loyalty to himself is extremely - and I do mean extremely - dangerous.
Claiming Rosenberg was "the evil mind behind Hitler" suggests Rosenberg was more powerful than Hitler. Anyone who believed you, would think Hitler was just a dupe.
Hitler was no dupe. He was no one's puppet. Rosenberg was Hitler's puppet - NOT the other way around.
Hitler was the ideology. Hitler and Nazi meant the same thing. Without Hitler, Nazis did not exist. Loyalty to Hitler was loyalty to the Nazis. Loyalty to Nazis was loyalty to Hitler.
Hitler very carefully chose the people who surrounded him. First and foremost, Hitler's minions were loyal to Hitler above ALL else. Hitler's minions were his extra arms and legs - not minds. Each chosen minion served Hitler with a particular skill. Hitler had anyone who was stronger than him executed - useful examples of what happened to people who crossed him.
Hitler was honest and made two things very clear. One, Hitler was loyal to no one. Two, Hitler made and broke people at will. In exchange for their loyalty Hitler's minions were given power, wealth, privileges and lifestyles not one of them could have acquired on their own.
Here in America, people sense the danger Trump presents the country. Hitler was deranged. By comparison, Trump is delightfully stable.
Like Hitler, Trump is an authoritarian - and that's what made both men, brilliant politicians. Like Hitler, Trump totally, completely believes in himself. The experience of self-belief is the reason, both men understood that manipulating the "beliefs" of other people was the road to power.
However, Hitler was only 43 years old when he came to power. Hitler's youth, knowing that he had long years ahead of him inspired his ruthless quest for power.
Trump is an OLD man. And that is the reason Trump is so, very, very dangerous.
Trump demands loyalty and ruthlessly enforces it. Trump is an ideology. The Republican Party has become synonymous with Trump.
When Trump dies, his political power will be open for the taking. Anyone can step into Trump's shoes and use that power - anyway they please. In the Barrett appointment to the Supreme Courty, we just witnessed the speed with which power can be appointed acquired in the top level of government.
That is the danger people sense, and it is a very real, and present danger.
Trump is a one man show. Trump destroyed the Republican Party and replaced it with himself. As a result, America is no longer has a two party political system.
The Democratic Party represents only half the country. The Democratic Party cannot suddenly start trying to represent people with views that oppose and conflict with those of its own constituents. Representing those people is the job of the Republican Party.
But the Republican Party is dead - it cannot be resurrected. As a result, Republican voters have no political representation without Trump.
I am absolutely certain, Trump is not a Hitler. I am equally certain, that Trump is not a Lincoln.
Trump has the mentality of an old man. For Trump, the presidency is a hobby - an old man's amusement. He plays president the same way he plays golf and the same way he played himself on apprentice. These are amusements. Trump is not building a country, he's playing Risk with his friends.
If you want to get inside Trump's mind, and see how he is thinking, play a game of Risk.