Did Shetterly change his name to Comrade Morlock? Sure looks that way to me, so I will proceed on that presumption. Wait, is Shetterly also using a pseudonym named Pluralus? How many Shetterlys are there in here?
Comrade Morlock Pluralus Shetterly has edited his essay, so I will give him the benefit of the doubt, by assuming I missed his caveat.
While I was talking about the 1619 Project, Shetterly now says he was talking about a summary published in the NYTimes . Well, that’s like reading a book cover and never reading the book.
Think about that a minute. In order to condense 600+ pages to fit in a magazine article, tons of material must be left out. Now, thanks to you, I am taking exception to Shetterly commenting, at all, on a large body of work he is not up to reading.
Shetterly’s assertion that Hannah-Jones wants to erase Frederick Douglass from American history is so preposterous, it borders on madness.
Perhaps you should call yourself, Book Cover Critic.