Dennis, that's good to hear, but in my experience, state party leaders are rarely, if ever, part of the top tier decision makers in either party. That said, a really good state party leader can defy the national party and succeed. I'd say, Michigan is a lucky state.
In states like California, where there is tons of political money, the national Democratic Party guards state parties with a vengeance. I learned this after Bush's re-election, I worked with our local leaders to address the Rural Urban divide. When the national Dem Party heard that 114 people would attend our three day conference, they sent people to our little town. Our messaging was so successful, rural Democrats funded a year-long tour across the southwest. However, the national dems did not contribute a dime.
If not for national Democratic leaders there would be very few Republicans in CA congressional delegation and we'd never have heard of Kevin McCarthy, Devin Nunes, etc.
I am glad for you and your state, but sad for the rest of us.