Dear Medium,
As a regular, often daily reader, I agree with Mr. Silvercloud. The situation regarding photographs must be repaired, even improved as soon as possible. Let me explain myself.
For 40 years, I have sold my own photography and purchased photography for my work. To lend some weight, my clients have included the Bureau of Land Management, the United States Airforce, MTV, Yamaha, Honda, the nation of Singapore, KPMG, Northrup, GE Wind, American Farmland Trust, Universities and three pages of other companies. Experience has taught me a great deal about our, human need for images to make sense of our world.
Most importantly, I have learned that honest photo-journalists are the best, perhaps only people, who can mitigate the powerful influence photography holds over the human heart and mind.
As a popular, and apparently successful on-line magazine, you have acquired high caliber photojournalists, including Mr. Silvercloud. I beg you - do not take these people for granted - they are NOT a dime a dozen. They are priceless.
I have sympathized with you; your frustration with writers complete lack of respect for both, creative work and the copyright and trademark laws that protect that work is obvious. But that, is part of the job - your job. Do it well and you will set a new standard for the industry.
If writers are not willing or capable of following the law regarding the use of photographs, they are not ready to publish their work on Medium. You have earned that position, so do not waste it. By requiring the same standards and rules for all of us you will be fair - and there is nothing more valuable than fairness.
Instead of attempting to reduce the workload by lowering your photo and image standards or options, try the opposite approach. Increase your standards and you will find a higher quality of work is the result. At least that was the result I achieved by raising my standards.